Today I'll show you 35 beer caps, which are the first ones in my album. They are in groups of 5, just to present them in one line in it.
I'll be glad knowing you like them :).
Mohren - Mohrenbrau (Austria) |
Krombacher (Germany) - extra mild, pils, alkoholfrei (low-alcohol), weizen alkoholfrei (wheat low-alcohol), radler |
Jever (Germany) - pilsener, maibock, light, dark, fun |
Aass (Norway) |
Serra Nevada (U.S.A.) - Bigfoot Expedition series: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2007 |
Lot of Desperados caps (France, Poland): fuego (black), red (red), mas (blue) - all French red (red), Polish Desperados cap, old French cap, new French cap, new fuego cap, old French mas, new French cap...